Nets: Service window 20/08

2 hours and 5 minutes

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Nets SIS services (E-Signing, E-Ident, ID-Rights, E-Signing Portal and E-Consent) will have a service window on Sunday 20th August 2023 for updating their production database. This will affect the mentioned services.

CONSEQUENCE: During the service window, SIS services may be unavailable i.e. E-Signing, E-Ident (including FTN and ID Verifier), ID-Rights, E-Signing Portal and E-Consent. The most likely time of unavailability is during database switch-over at around 00:15 and 01:00 CEST.


NOTE: Questions can be directed to

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Affected components
  • Integrations
    • NETS ID-Rights Services
  • Signing
    • BankID Finland (FTN)
    • eID Easy (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
  • Verified Secure authentication
    • Belgian eID
    • Estonian eID
    • Latvian eID
    • Lithuanian eID