Scheduled maintenance on Bankid on August 30th

Wednesday, 30 August 2 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Bankid OIDC will undergo scheduled maintenance on August 30th, with no downtime expected on the following capabilities: BankID App (Activation, HA2 Authentication), OIDC Authentication (BankID, BankID on mobile), OIDC Signing (BankID, BankID on mobile, Sign Doc), and BankID Biometric, OIDC Authorization.

This external maintenance could impact the Verified Secure and BankID Signing in case there's a change of plans on Bankid's side and there will be downtime affecting their OIDC service availability.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Integrations
    • BankID AML
  • Signing
    • BankID Norway
  • Verified Secure authentication
    • BankID Norway