Major incident affecting envelope creation and delivery in


Based on the improved stability over the past few hours, we've closed this incident on the Status Page.

We'll continue active monitoring to ensure no further issues arise.

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Good morning,

The Envelope Builder has been reactivated at 06:00 AM CET, as the system parameters associated with envelope creation and document delivery processes have been operating within the expected value after the patch deployed last evening.

Our Engineering team will actively monitor the system during the day.

In case you experience any sort of issues with your documents sent for signing, please contact us using the Verified Support channels so we can assist you.

Thank you

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Verified Support

We're deploying a patch to resolve recent issues with envelope creation and signed document delivery in Verified eSign MT.

This patch includes improvements and enhanced monitoring. eSign envelope creation will be briefly available for up to 60 minutes for testing and monitoring. We may then limit new envelope creation until 6:00 AM CET while we analyze system performance.

This temporary pause will allow us to thoroughly analyze the system and ensure a stable service for you tomorrow.

We apologize for the service disruption which you have experienced during the day.

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Verified Support


We understand it's been a while since our last update, and we sincerely apologize for the silence.

Our Engineering team is working tirelessly, and validating that the planned remediation will not generate any further issues with our eSigning service.

While we can't provide a precise ETA at this moment, we have made progress and are committed to restoring full functionality as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your continued patience and will share another update as soon as we have new information.

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Our Engineering team made progress in investigating the faulty operation impacting envelope creation and signed document delivery within our eSign service.

While the issue is primarily affecting our digital signing service, the AML system users may experience difficulties with forms requiring signatures during the upcoming 60 minutes.

The Dashboard, Archive, and Company Settings are functioning normally, but you should avoid creating new envelopes, regardless that we might temporarily reactivate the Envelope Builder for debugging purposes.

We are working diligently towards a resolution and will provide a new update soon.

Thank you

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Verified Support


We have identified an incident affecting the envelope building process and the PDF generation in our CLM eSigning service The issue seems to be intermittent, but we have started an internal investigation with the highest priority to ensure that the eSigning operations can be performed in line with our quality and security standards.

Your users won't be able to generate new envelopes for the upcoming hour, and we are sorry for the inconvenience we have caused.

We'll update the status page as soon as we have new relevant information connected to the incident.

Thank you!

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Verified Support
Began at:

Affected components
  • AML Portal
    • Forms
    • PDF generation
  • API
    • Envelope actions
  • Flows
    • Default flow
    • PDF generation
  • Notifications
    • E-mail notifications
  • Signing
    • BankID Norway
    • BankID Sweden
    • BankID Finland (FTN)
    • MitID Denmark
    • eID Easy (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
    • Freja eID (International)
    • SMS
    • Email
    • Touch
  • Verified Secure authentication
    • BankID Norway
    • BankID Sweden
    • BankID Finland (FTN)
    • MitID Denmark
    • Belgian eID
    • Estonian eID
    • Latvian eID
    • Lithuanian eID
    • Portuguese ID
    • Serbian ID
    • Freja eID (International)
    • SMS authentication