Error messages for custom certificate BankID Norway customers


The BankID No custom certificate incident has been marked as Resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Avatar for Mircea Chercheata
Mircea Chercheata

Our Engineering team has deployed a hotfix for the BankID Norway custom certificate signing issue.

We will continue to monitor the system performance closely in the upcoming hour.

Avatar for Mircea Chercheata
Mircea Chercheata

Current Status:

  • We have been in close communication with BankID Norway during the weekend.
  • Our Engineering team is actively working on a hotfix to resolve the custom certificate signing error.

Temporary Workaround:

A temporary workaround is available on a case-by-case basis. If you require this workaround, please contact our Support team.

While we are working on a resolution, please note that this issue is isolated for the Verified clients using a private BankID Norway certificate.

Avatar for Mircea Chercheata
Mircea Chercheata

A third-party change to enable customer organizations' required settings using Verified with custom BankID Norway certificates has been raised.

Our Engineering team has validated a workaround to enable BankID Norway eSigning for the affected customers, if this issue will not be resolved by Monday, April 15th before business hours.

Please get in touch with our Support team via Zendesk for any further questions.

Thank you and we would like to express our regret for the trouble encountered during the day.

Avatar for Mircea Chercheata
Mircea Chercheata

We have identified an error with customized certificates for signing with BankID Norway.

The error does not occur for other clients that do not have custom certificates.

Avatar for André
Began at:

Affected components
  • Signing
    • BankID Norway
  • Verified Secure authentication
    • BankID Norway